Fortune Teller App:

Let’s keep adding to the fortune-teller apps we started earlier. We need some more handlers!

Add a new path to your project:

Path 2.

Magic 8-Ball

Path: /8ball


  1. Users will eventually be prompted to enter a question when they go to this path. But for now, use a hardcoded question in the handler. userQuestion = “Will I have a good day today?”

  2. Ten of the possible responses that the Magic 8‐ball can give shall be positive. Five of the possible responses that the Magic 8‐ball can give shall be negative. Five of the possible responses that the Magic 8‐ball can give shall be neutral. If you want, you can use the standard responses.

Done Early? Let’s Stretch! You can add a third path to your app:

STRETCH: Whirlybird

Path: /whirlybird

Based on the color and number that a user picks, a fortune is generated. Tomorrow, the user will be selecting a color and number using buttons. But for now hard code them.

  • userColor = blue
  • userNumber = 3


You should read the color and number requirement so that you can understand the final project. For today (Monday) just worry about writing the logic that gives the fortune.


  • When the user visits /whirlybird, they shall be prompted to pick a color: red, green, blue, and yellow. Each color shall be represented by a square button of that color. The buttons shall be arranged in 2x2 grid.

  • The user shall select a color by clicking its associated button.


  • Once the user selects a color, they shall be prompted to pick a number.

  • The user shall be allowed to pick any number between one and eight, inclusively, by clicking a button labeled with the number.


  • Once the user has selected both a color and a number, they shall be presented with a fortune

  • Each fortune shall be at least two sentences long.

  • The sum of number the user selected and the number of letters in the color the user selected shall uniquely identify the fortune they receive. Which is to say, if that sum is equal for two different selections, the fortunes produced shall be the same.