Fortune Teller Part.4 - Template Variables
Template Variables with Fortune Teller
Path: /fortunecookie
Change your fortune cookie handler so that http://localhost:8080/fortunecookie?/num=2
displays the 2nd fortune in your list. However be sure that the default, http://localhost:8080
, still gives a random fortune.
Path: /8ball
Create a dictionary with three keys: “positive”, “neutral” and “negative”. Their corresponding values are a list of 8ball responses. http://localhost:8080/8ball?/type=pos
will give the 2nd response from your positive list of 8 ball responses.
You can make your own lists of responses, or use the default values, which contain 10 positive, 5 neutral and 5 negative answers.
Passings variables to a template:
Pass a dictionary of key:values as an argument to template.render():
template.render({"first_name": "Jay-Z"})
Often times you’ll want to do this as two seperate steps in order to make your code easier to read
- Make a dictionary of values
my_variables = {"first_name": "Beyonce", "last_name": "Knowles", "home_town": "Houston", "profession": "Hero"}
Pass that dictionary as an argument to template.render():
Getting variables from a URL
A url can pass variables through its query string which starts after the question mark character. An ampersand (&) indicates a new variable:"bannana%phone"&seller_id=19
To access those variables, use the self.request.get() method:
template_vars = {"item": self.request.get('item_name')}
You can also set a default value by adding an optional second argument, default_value
self.request.get('feeling', default_value='happy')}
- Read up on detecting user’s location with html here
- How could you use this browser feature and some python logic to display a different message based on where the user was located? How could you do it solely in javascript?