What You Need to Know:

  • How to add local changes on to github

What you Will Learn:

  • Deploy to GitHub pages

Why This is Important:

We’ll use a GitHub feature called Pages to publish our first site for the world to see!

GitHub Pages for First-time Users

Let’s get a page online for the world to see! GitHub, which allows us to store our files and the history of our commits, also has an awesome Pages feature, which lets us publish simple websites for free, all from the command line.

  1. Open Chrome and go to www.github.com
  2. At the top right click the “+” new repository
  3. Name your repository “username.github.io”, make the repository public
    • make sure to replace username with your username
  4. In the right sidebar of the repository page on GitHub, click to copy the http URL for the repository.
  5. Open your terminal
  6. cd into your dev folder
  7. git clone https://github.com/username/username.github.io.git * make sure to replace username with your username
  8. cd into your my_profile_project
  9. mv your html and css page into your “username.github.io.git” repository
  10. cd into your “username.github.io.git” repository
  11. git add .
  12. git commit -m “first commit”
  13. git push
  14. Check out http://username.github.io/my_profile.html for your webpage! * if your html file is named index.html, you do not need the full path.

Github Pages for Additional Projects

The previous steps will only work if you don’t already have a username.github.io already. If you DO have a page that is hosted in that repo, you can follow the directions below to publish a new project.

  1. Make a new repo for your project by clicking the “+” sign on top of github.com
  2. In the right sidebar of the repository page on GitHub, click to copy the http URL for the repository.
  3. In your terminal, clone your new repo: git clone my_new_repo url where my_new_repo_url is the url you copied in Step 2
  4. In your terminal, move into your newly cloned directory: cd my_new_repo
  5. In that directory checkout a new branch called gh-pages: git checkout --orphan gh-pages
  6. Add your files into your repository
  7. Add everything in your folder to git: git add .
  8. Commit your changes: `git commit -m “added files”
  9. Push the gh-pages branch to github: git push origin gh-pages



There are over eight million people who use GitHub to store their code. Having a free account on GitHub means that anyone in the community can fork or clone your repositories and make changes to or contribute to your codebase. It’s all about people building publicly accessible applications together.