What You Will Learn:

  • How the browser represents HTML pages with the document object model (DOM)
  • The use of JavaScript and jQuery to select and modify elements

So far, we have used JavaScript to do some math and work with some data. Today, we get to use JavaScript on its home turf - manipulating HTML elements in the browser.

Let’s start with a little example, to give you a taste of the power of JavaScript before getting into the nitty-gritty of the DOM.

  1. Go to https://twitter.com/taylorswift13
  2. Open the console using Command+Option+j
  3. Run these two statements, with replacing ‘Your Name’ with, you guessed it, your name:
    • names = $('.fullname');
  • names.text('Your Name');
  1. Look at the tweets Taylor has sent out very closely

BAM! You are a twitter master! How cool are you! So popular!

Now, how did that work?


Your browser keeps all of the elements of the webpage in a tree structure called the Document Object Model. Basically, it keeps track of all of the html elements from the html page, their styles, and the relationships between them - who is nested in who, which elements have which parents and children.

      <p>Shady Grove</p>
      <p>Over the River, Charlie</p>

A way to visualize the DOM for that table would be:

Tree representation of the elements above

JavaScript can speak the browser’s language - it IS the browser’s language. It is AWESOME for picking elements on a webpage and doing something to them - like picking all the elements on the twitter page and changing them to my name.

Let’s look a little bit more closely at the code we ran to change twitter:

names = $('.fullname');
names.text('Your Name');

names is a new variable. We use the selector syntax $() to get all the elements with a particular class, “fullname”. This is stored as an array within the names variable.

Once we have all the elements we want, we can update them with another new method - .text(). This method accesses the text inside an element. Since we passed the .text method a string - ‘Your Name’- all the text inside every element in the names array was changed to ‘Your Name’

Try selecting other HTML elements on the page and updating their text! What happens?

The selector syntax - $() - and the .text() method actually aren’t part of the JavaScript baked into the browser. They actually come from the jQuery library - a big, commonly used set of useful JavaScript functions. In order to use this syntax on our pages, we’ll need to link up to a JavaScript library.