What You Will Learn:

  • In teams make the bulk of a design doc for a previous CSSI App

Why This is Important:

This is a risk-free way to practice the skills of breaking down an app

Now that you’ve seen how the design doc process works, you are going to repeat the process, but this time you are going to pick a different project from a previous class. Remember, just like we practiced, you are mocking up the MVP, what is the most basic possible function?

Even though Movie Spotter did a lot, we first just wanted to design something that would take in user input, match it to a pre-built dictionary, and show the matches on a results.html. After that was done, then we worried about adding an API and making it pretty.

Design Doc Practice

  1. Choose an existing application from last year’s projects.
  2. Break it down into the pieces (Views and Controller).
  3. Produce a design doc with a Gliffy flowchart representing the architecture of their app. [Gliffy offers a free 14-day trial]
  4. Be prepared to explain the design doc your wrote with another group at the end of your time