What You Will Learn:

  • Describe how group work is a SKILL and a PROCESS
  • Use concrete actions to help form a well-oiled dream team

Why This is Important:

  • This will be the first of many group projects you are tasked with as a developer. Being aware of the process and learning strategies around group work will make you a valuable asset to any team.


As you might have noticed we have used pairs and teams often in the first 2 weeks of class. This is intentional. All great engineers need to collaborate to be successful

Brainstorm as many teamwork strategies as you can:

Here’s a few to start with:

  • Compromise
  • Have Empathy
  • Specific Division of Roles

CSSI Helpful Hints Around Project Mode

We also want to give you a few strategies for being successful with project mode

  • Add one simple piece of functionality at a time
  • Backwards plan your milestones
  • Give yourself brain breaks (a walk, a goofy youtube video, water/snack break)
  • Ask for help when you need it