What You Need to Know:

  • Command-line Basics
  • Basic Python syntax and datatypes

What You Will Learn:

  • How to create a list in Python syntax

Why This is Important:

In this lesson you will learn how to create a Python list.


A list is the most basic Python data structure. It is a list of objects or values. The syntax for a list is a set of objects enclosed in brackets. To create an empty list, set a variable equal to empty brackets:

>>> empty_list = []

To create a list with some objects in it, just add the elements separated by commas:

>>> groceries = ['Eggs', 'Milk','Butter']

Accessing items in a list

List items have an index and are accessed by calling their index number. Numbering in the list starts at 0.

>>> groceries[0]
>>> groceries[1]
>>> groceries[0:2]
['Eggs', 'Milk']
>>> groceries[1:]
['Milk', 'Butter']

Modifying a List

The easiest way to modify a list’s content is to just access the list object by its index (numerical place in the list) and use the assignment operator.

>>> groceries
['Eggs', 'Milk','Butter']
>>> groceries[0] = 'Bread'
>>> groceries
['Bread', 'Milk', 'Butter']

Another convenient way to modify a list is the append() method. The append method allows you to add an element at the end of a list.

>>> groceries.append('Asparagus')
>>> groceries
['Bread', 'Milk', 'Butter', 'Asparagus']

List Methods

Using the len function, you can return the number of items in a list:

>>> print len(groceries)

Here are some other list methods that will come in handy:

groceries.extend(['Rutabaga', 'Ice Cream'])
['Bread', 'Milk', 'Butter', 'Asparagus','Rutabaga', 'Ice Cream']

del groceries[3] # removes 'Asparagus' from the list
['Bread', 'Milk', 'Butter','Rutabaga', 'Ice Cream']

['Bread','Milk','Butter','Ice Cream']

['Bread', 'Butter', 'Ice Cream', 'Milk']

‘In’ and ‘Not’ Operator

What if you have a list of groceries and you want to check if ‘apples’ is in that list? Or a list of names and you want to check to see if someone is present? Use the ‘in’ operator.

if 'albert' in students:
  print 'good, albert is here'
  print 'gosh, where is albert?!'

To check if an element is absent from a list, use the ‘not’ in operator:

if 'albert' not in students:
  print 'where is albert?!'

range(): building lists of numbers easily

It is frequently useful to be able to generate a list of numbers. Rather than have you type out all the numbers you want, Python makes this easy:

>>> print range(0,10)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> print range(0,100,10)
[0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90]

Generally, ranges have the form: range(<start_int>, <end_int>, <interval>)

List Countries Exercise

  • Create a new Python file called countries.py. Create a list called four_letter_countries with the following countries (in this order):
    • Chad
    • Cuba
    • Greenland
    • Iraq
    • Mali
    • Oman
    • India
  • Add Fiji to the end of the list

  • Delete India

  • Reverse the order of the list

  • Replace Greenland with Togo

  • Add Laos to the end of the list

  • Reverse the order of the list again

  • Add Peru to the start of the list

What does your final list look like?


Creating, modifying and accessing lists are important for every programmer, as is being able to use for loops and while loops. Practicing these small examples are a great way to build your foundation as a strong developer.