Python, Javascript, HTML Review


Here are some labs and resources to review Python, Javascript and HTML, choose your own adventure! Choose whichever topic you’d like to review and complete the lab activities suggested.

If you’d like to review…


Begin the Day 5 Python warmup on loops, lists, and dictionaries:


Check out these slides and resources:

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript for Google Engineers
    • These are slides from a 4-hour course Victoria used to teach to Google engineers on how to use HTML, CSS, and JS.
    • Detailed information about layout and positioning here! (floats, etc)
    • Read HTML and CSS, but skip JavaScript (requires advanced programming knowledge)
  • University of Washington CSE 154: Web Programming
    • The first 5 lectures discuss HTML and CSS in detail
    • JavaScript is also discussed later in the course (though using raw JavaScript, no jQuery)

Try out a lab from University of Washington:

  • Journal Lab
    • Follow the instructions and ignore the bits that would only be relevant to UW students, i.e. checking in with a TA, uploading to “Webster”

    JavaScript / jQuery

    Finish the labs from the other days:

    If you’ve completed all the labs and have other specific questions, flag down a TA!