
Goals as a Community

By the end of this session, you should be able to:

  • See the best yourself and others
  • Become tenacious learners and patient teachers
  • Learn and grow from failure (PEP)
  • Make lifelong friends and feel apart of the Google CSSI community
  • Have a ton of fun!

Activity: Goal Setting as individuals

Directions: On your index card answer the following questions. When you are done put it in the envelope and seal it. Write your name on the front.

  • What are your goals for these next three weeks?
  • What do you want to accomplish? What do you want to be proud of?

What you expect from each other and yourselves:

  • Be a learner and a teacher: We are all here to learn. If we knew everything already, we wouldn’t be here. If you know something, that’s a chance to teach, not to be smug or superior.

  • Embrace failure: Things will be hard. We’ll move very fast, from zero to full stack web development in three short weeks. Things will break, there will be bugs, and we will smile and ask for help.

What you expect of us:

  • Respect and patience
  • Create a supportive learning environment
  • Celebrate Questions
  • Provide tools to face difficult challenges
  • Receive and respond to feedback